BMP Planning Guide and Template

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Get started on Facility BMP Manuals

Once your state BMP manual is available through GCSAA’s BMP Planning Guide and Template you can easily create a facility BMP manual for your facility. The Facility BMP Manual process has recently been updated to streamline it. Read the FAQs below to learn more, then click on the Access the Facility Tool link. Once there, you will find a facility BMP in place copied from your state guidelines (based from your zip code). You can then customize the facility BMP to fit your facility’s needs and circumstances.

Read the FAQs»

Access the Facility BMP tool»

View published state guides

Find your state's BMP manual.

View the National BMP Template.

Logging In
See how to get started and log in to the online BMP builder.

Create a New Guide
See how to clone and create a new BMP Guide.

Steps Overview
See how to navigate the online tool and what to do in each step.

Categories and Subcategories
See how to add, delete, edit, and rearrange categories and subcategories in your guide.

Basic Edits
Get some tips on formatting text and adding links.

Upload an Image
See how to upload and size a new image into your guide.

Adding a Table
Add a table to show data or for a different way to display text and images .

Using the Cover-Builder
Use this tool to easily create a custom cover for your guide.

Publishing your Guide
All finished or ready to start version 2.0? Learn how to publish your completed guide.

Create a Cover in Publisher
Learn how to create a custom cover for your BMP Guide in Microsoft Publisher.

Create a Cover in PowerPoint
Learn how to create a custom cover for your BMP Guide in Microsoft PowerPoint.

Create a Cover in Google Slides
Learn how to create a custom cover for your BMP Guide in Google Slides.

GCSAA offers webinars for step-by-step training on guiding you through the BMP program and providing you with solutions to operating GCSAA's online BMP program.

State BMP Workshops

Take a look at how other courses are planning their sustainability efforts to help you get started on your own.

Do you need help establishing environmental objectives for your facility? Curious about how other courses set policies and principles? Download the sample documents below to see how other courses manage their objectives, policies and principles.

Sample environmental objectives

Sample policies and principles

Interested in sharing what works at your facility? Contact Emily Fuger, senior manager, environmental programs, at 800-472-7878, ext. 5163.