Membership Applications

Apply online

Member application online form

Apply by mail or fax

Member application PDF

Use this application if you are a superintendent, assistant superintendent, course manager, equipment manager, employed on a golf course in another capacity, educator, or individual from a business or government body involved with golf course management or turfgrass production.

Student application PDF

Use this application if you are a turfgrass student enrolled in a formal course of education, or have completed his or her formal education less than one year prior to the date of application for membership and have not become employed at a golf course. Students may retain student membership status 24 months past the date of graduation, provided they are not employed in a management position within the golf industry.

Affiliate company representative application PDF

Use this application if you are applying on behalf of a business or government body involved with golf course management or turfgrass production will be having multiple employees join.

Additional forms

Reclassification form PDF

Use this application if you are requesting a change in membership classification in accordance with a change in your qualifications or professional position.

Reinstatement form PDF

Use this application if you are a prior, but not current, GCSAA member and would like to join again.

Member Get a Member form PDF
Referring member will receive a $50 GCSAA gift certificate for each new member they sign, which can be used in the GCSAA Store, toward dues or GCSAA Conference and Trade Show registration.

Learn more

Find out more about GCSAA's membership classifications and Standing Rules for Membership.