Envu Superintendent Grant Program

Envu full colorEnvu has teamed up with the GCSAA Foundation to send up to 10 golf course superintendents to the GCSAA Conference and Trade Show. The purpose of the Envu Superintendent Grant Program (formerly the Bayer Superintendent Grant Program) is to assist golf course superintendents with their professional development through participation in the annual event that features the most comprehensive education program available in the industry. An emphasis will be placed on diversity and inclusion – embracing and encouraging individual differences, life experiences, knowledge, innovation, self-expression, unique capabilities and talent that superintendents invest in their work. 


Class A and B GCSAA members are eligible to apply. Emphasis will be placed on diversity and inclusion. GCSAA members living in the United States or Canada are eligible. Past recipients of the former Bayer Superintendent Grant Program are not eligible.

Winners will receive:

  • Full Pack Registration
  • Two 2-hour seminars of their choosing
  • Lodging for five nights
  • Airfare
  • $200 stipend


The Foundation will notify winners by Dec. 8. Please note that if you have already registered for the GCSAA Conference and Trade Show at the time of the selection, GCSAA will refund any charges that would be covered by this program. 

About Envu

Envu is a new vision for a company built not from the ground up but on top of the towering foundations laid by Bayer Environmental Science. Our legacy products are at the core of our new identity and will remain central to all the innovations we will create moving forward.

At Envu, we are proud to continue the partnership with the GCSAA Foundation to sponsor the Superintendent Grant Program. We look forward to receiving the submissions and supporting the recipients of this initiative. Learn more about Envu