Whether you are a long-time golf course superintendent or a rising star in the field, your education and experience are taken into consideration when determining eligibility into the CGCS program.

  • If you are currently a GCSAA Class A superintendent, congratulations! You are immediately eligible for the CGCS program. Apply now! Submit the CGCS Application Form and fee of $370.
  • If you are currently a GCSAA Class B member, you may only be a few steps away from Class A and you could be well on on your way to CGCS eligibility. Contact GCSAA to find out if you are close and review the Class A requirements.

After your application is approved

Once your application has been approved, you have one year to complete the exam, attesting of your golf facility and attesting of your communication and leadership skills. You will need to plan ahead:

  • Course attesting must be conducted during the growing season.
  • A one-week waiting period is required between exam retakes. If a re-exam is necessary (you are allowed two), you must have ample time remaining in your applicant period for completion.
  • Any additional information or materials needed for your communication and leadership attesting must be completed before the end of your applicant period.

If you have questions, contact Grace Wyatt, CGCS certification manager, at 800-472-7878, ext. 3663