What is the GCSAA Foundation?

The GCSAA Foundation is the philanthropic organization of GCSAA.
The GCSAA Foundation secures funding and support to strengthen advocacy, education and research that advances the work of golf course management professionals. Founded in 1955 as the
GCSAA Scholarship & Research Fund for the Golf Course Superintendents Association of America, the Foundation serves as the association’s philanthropic organization. The Foundation relies upon the support of many individuals and organizations to fund programs to advance its mission.
The results from these activities, conducted by GCSAA, are used to position golf courses as properly managed landscapes that contribute to the greater good of their communities. Supporters of the Foundation know that they are fostering programs and initiatives that will benefit the game, its environment and communities for years to come.
GCSAA Foundation news
Mike and Tammie Hoffman donate $1million to enhance First Green with STEAM ahead initiative
Read the latest updates on Foundation successes and donors in the Beyond the Course monthly newsletter.