
GCSAA members can access the archive by logging in and going to the Turfgrass Information File

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Hydraulic oil spills on putting greens: Facts and myths

What the Tech? I think I have a shade problem

Scalping timing for tall fescue control with glyphosate

European Union’s view of biostimulants: What may be coming our way

Shallow soil compaction following fraze mowing (Cutting Edge)

Use moisture meters for greater efficiency and healthier turf

On the clock (about timing of aerification)

Effects of nitrogen rate and simulated golf cart traffic on Cody buffalograss roughs

Impacts of surfactants on soil and plant health

Establishment of low-maintenance, naturalized grasses and forbs for turf replacement in California and Arizona

Effects of soil temperature on wetting agent efficacy

Long-term dynamics and management requirements of sand-capped fairways (Cutting Edge)

Measuring putting green firmness (Cutting edge)

Mowing height and frequency affect green speed and plant health (Cutting edge)

Techniques for turfgrass re-establishment following winterkill

Improving seedhead suppression of annual bluegrass, Part 2

Effects of potassium on a bentgrass green (Cutting edge)

Reducing Poa annua in zoysia fairways (Cutting edge)

Do some wetting agents remove organic coatings from water-repellent sand particles?

Advice for superintendents facing greens renovation

Poa annua control: A perpetually moving target

DLI requirement of a creeping bentgrass green affected by shade intensity and timing (Cutting edge)

Does core recycling affect putting green performance? (Cutting edge)

2018 revisions to the USGA method for putting green construction

Research update o off-type grasses in ultradwarf bermudagrass putting greens

The art and science of syringing for turfgrass canopy cooling

Organic and inorganic compounds in crumb rubber mulch (Cutting edge)

Less art, more science (greens agronomic program, IPM)

Effects of creeping bentgrass seeding rates and traffic on putting green establishment

Using PGRs in golf course roughs

Effects of the DryJEct or AIR2G2 on bentgrass greens (Cutting edge

Improving seedhead suppression of annual bluegrass

An early history of thatch management

Should thatch be the target of microbial studies in turfgrass? (Cutting edge)

Antimicrobial options for reducing bacterial etiolation on putting greens (creeping bentgrass)>

Foliar application of branched-chain amino acids on creeping bentgrass Cutting edge)

Bermudagrass recovery from fraze mowing.

Use of buffers

Winter foot traffic on a Poa annua green (Cutting edge)>

The impact of wetting agent use on turfgrass putting surfaces (cool season) (Cutting edge)

Wetting agents on water-repellent sand greens

Recovery of 4 grass species subjected to cart traffic during prolonged drought

Enzymatic approach to remediate water repellency of turfgrass soils

Late-fall wetting agent application to enhance winter survival of ultradwarf bermudagrass greens

Freezing tolerance of creeping bentgrass cultivars (Cutting edge)

Response of fine fescue fairway mixtures under drought conditions (Cutting edge)

Performance of fine fescues under two forms of traffic (Cutting edge)

Managing ice stress of annual bluegrass (Cutting edge

Divot recovery in fairway buffalograss (Cutting edge)

Maintaining soil physical properties for ultradwarf greens

Summer deficit irrigation of bermudagrass

Reducing salinity levels on fairways (Cutting edge)

Overseeding TifEagle greens reduces shoot density (Cutting edge)

Soil properties determine site selection for application of compost to fairways (Cutting edge)

Organic golf course had more bacterial-feeding nematodes (Cutting edge)

USGA Green Section

Use data to optimize golf course management

Let there be light!

Light the way to healthy putting greens.

Why photosynthesis is important for golfers

Is solid-tine aeration right for your greens?

To seed or not to seed, that is the question

Minimum daily light integrals: Do cultivars, cutting heights, and PGRs matter? 

Recovery tips after winter damage and a short growing season

How to quickly repair small areas of putting green damage

Don’t sleep on tees

Deep-tine aeration (warm season)

Slow but steady progress (cool-season recovery from winter injury)

The ins and outs of zoysiagrass fairway management

Sun deficiency

Researchers compare removing aeration cores with core recycling

A little sand goes a long way

Unlock the value of growth potential graphs

A novel method for accurately measuring topdressing rates

Practice tees that please

Highlights from the 2019 USGA winter management workshop

Fraise mowing enhances bermudagrass control

Three simple methods for leveling tees

Regrassing fairways in northern California


Testing for sugarcane mosaic virus in St. Augustinegrass

Fungicide fate following various mowing and irrigation treatments

Dollar spot control using urea and iron sulfate

Fungicide alternatives for management of Microdochium patch

Effects of organic amendments on dollar spot in bentgrass fairways

Site-specific management of spring dead spot

Cultivation reduces infestation of silvery-thread moss in a creeping bentgrass green

Resistance to new broad-spectrum fungicides SDHI

Plant uptake and optimal timing of snow mold fungicides

Irrigation water as a source of Pythium inoculum

Nitrogen fertilization affects dollar spot severity in bentgrass

Dog’s footprint? We call it “ink spot” in these parts.

Pythium patch of annual bluegrass

A new genus: Identifying and naming the fungi that cause dollar spot on turf

Fraze mowing vs. spring dead spot on bermudagrass

Prediction model advisees fungicide applications for dollar spot collar control

Cream leaf blight of ultradwarf bermudagrass

Effect of phosphite rate and source on cyanobacteria colonization of putting green turf

Update on BMPs for anthracnose on annual bluegrass turf

Optimizing timing of snow mold fungicides

Effect of oriental mustard seed meal for control of dollar spot on creeping bentgrass

Iron sulfate and urea affect Microdochium patch on an annual bluegrass putting green

Responses of creeping bentgrass to an organic byproduct containing tryptophan

Take-all root rot on the increase in the Carolinas

Should thatch be the target of microbial studies in turfgrass?

Antimicrobial options for reducing bacterial etiolation on putting greens

Just dew it (Effect of dew removal on efficacy of fungicides for dollar spot)

Influence of spray rate volume and surfactants on large patch control

Effects of spray nozzle and fungicide mode of action on control of Microdochium patch on an annual bluegrass putting green in western Oregon

Chlorothalonil + ferrous sulfate = dollar spot suppression

Dollar spot on fairways

The infection process and activation of disease resistance in turfgrasses

Redox potential and black layer

Winning the war with black layer, one battle at a time

Effects of nitrogen source, sulfur, and fall fungicide applications on spring dead spot of bermudagrass

Thatch collapse in golf course turf

First report of brown ring patch caused by Waitea circinate on perennial ryegrass in Oklahoma

First report of Xanthomonas translucens causing wilt disease on perennial ryegrass in the United States

Ergot in perennial ryegrass seed fields in eastern Oregon

First report of Hemicycliophora wyei on bentgrass in Texas

USGA Green Section

Diversity in dollar spot in the South

The difficult thing about mini-ring

Don’t sing the pink snow mold blues

Dollar spot control (includes modeling)


Effects of irrigation chemistry on Tifway bermudagrass performance and nitrogen uptake

Velvet vs. creeping: Shining some light on managing bentgrasses in shade

Transitioning the transition zone

Evaluating shade tolerance among fine fescue species

What are we going to do about Poa?

Establishing creeping bentgrass in a putting green

Improving seedhead suppression of annual bluegrass

Effects of potassium on a bentgrass green

Reducing Poa annua in zoysia fairways

Advice for superintendents facing greens renovation

Bermudagrass: Know your hybrids

Poa annua control: A perpetually moving target

Effects of creeping bentgrass seeding rates and traffic on putting green establishment

Using PGRs in golf course roughs

Controlling Poa annua in creeping bentgrass fairways

Improving seedhead suppression of annual bluegrass

Developing fine-textured seeded and vegetatively propagated zoysiagrasses

Pronamide-resistant Poa annua in Georgia

Advances in warm-season grasses

Creeping bentgrass stress tolerance

Winter foot traffic on a Poa annua green

Evaluating zoysia-tall fescue mixtures in the transition zone

Bermudagrass control: Basamid treatment regimens to replace methyl bromide

The impact of wetting agent use on turfgrass putting surfaces (cool season)

Coating warm-season turfgrass seed to improve establishment

Timing of amicarbazone for Poa annua control

Freezing tolerance of creeping bentgrass cultivars

Response of fine fescue fairway mixtures under drought conditions

Performance of fine fescues under two forms of traffic

Protecting creeping bentgrass from winter desiccation

Managing ice stress of annual bluegrass

Effects of deficit irrigation and traffic on Tifway fairways

Divot recovery in fairway buffalograss

Maintaining soil physical properties for ultradwarf greens

Summer deficit irrigation of bermudagrass

This grass IS always greener (poverty oatgrass, Danthonia spicate)

A Poa annua/creeping bentgrass grudge match

Overseeding TifEagle greens reduces shoot

Zinc for Poa annua control in hybrid bermudagrass

GDD models of PGR efficacy on bentgrass greens

USGA Green Section

Can certain management practices rescue bentgrass from overregulation?

Chemical priming to improve annual bluegrass response to ice stress

This is not your parents’ grass

Are you up to speed with your seed?

The time to seed is now

Bahiagrass: A new rough turfgrass arrives in the Southeast

The spring seed (Poa annua)

Sometimes Poa annua is the answer

Pulverize your way to hybrid bermudagrass fairways

Breeding for wintergreen turf saves water


Polyethylene glycol effects on zoysiagrass root growth in a hydroponic system

Products for alleviating irrigation salinity stress on bermudagrass turf

Enhancing fairway water conservation through UAV imagery

Combining trinexapac-ethyl with a soil surfactant to reduce bermudagrass irrigation

Drought performance and physiological responses of bermudagrass and seashore paspalum

Relationships of soil analysis, turf quality, and shoot analysis of Kentucky bluegrass under effluent water irrigation on golf courses

Adaptive landscape irrigation using reclaimed water

Modeling vertical water distribution and surfactant degradation in sand-based turf systems

Kentucky bluegrass water requirements under deficit irrigation

Irrigation requirements of cool-season fairway species

Surfactant effects on overwatering and underwatering and traffic stress of cool-season greens

Wetting agents affect soil moisture, water infiltration

Fertilization and irrigation strategies reduce greenhouse gas emissions and conserve water

Do some wetting agents remove organic coatings from water-repellent sand particles?

What lurks at the bottom

UAVs and water use of warm-season grasses

Water you doing with all that potassium?

Water conservation and greenhouse gas emissions on greens

Kurapia performance in the low desert of Arizona

Water quality of streams flowing through Virginia golf courses

Mineral composition of Kentucky bluegrass under effluent water irrigation

Water conservation and Cooperative Extension turfgrass programs in the Desert Southwest

Stream of consciousness

Can groundwater keep your course green?

How much do golf courses contribute to Gulf of Mexico hypoxia?

Lawn and native grasses under deficit irrigation

Irrigation sensors for lawns

Water swap

Does irrigating dormant bermudagrass pay off?

Formula for success, Q&A with Mike Huck

An irrigation evaluation

Window of opportunity

Effects of deficit irrigation and traffic on Tifway fairways

Summer deficit irrigation of bermudagrass

Water use and conservation, Part 2: Region by region