A message from President Breen Concerning member dues

Dear GCSAA members,


In 2006, chapter delegates voted to create a dues adjustment process based on the Consumer Price Index (CPI) as a way to keep up with inflation and maintain a high level of member programs and services. The CPI adjustment was to be considered every two years to keep it smaller and more reasonable with a vote brought before the membership at the annual meeting. However, this timeline has been adjusted when outside factors have impacted members, such as during the Great Recession and more recently with the COVID pandemic, where the dues adjustment was extended over a three-year period.

The current rate of inflation has caused the costs to deliver programs and services to you to rise. And although we have worked hard to control our expenses, pursue new funding opportunities and utilize reserve funds, our resources continue to be impacted.

Based on this, the GCSAA Board is recommending that a dues adjustment be brought forward at the 2023 Annual Meeting. We will continue to follow the CPI adjustment process approved by the chapter delegates, but with the rapid rise in inflation this year, and the high likelihood it will continue into next year, a one-year dues adjustment of $35 will be much smaller compared to a significantly larger increase in 2024. Hopefully this will be a one-year adjustment, and we can return to our standard two-year review in the future.

The GCSAA Board and staff have been good financial stewards of your membership dues, and we want to be able to continue to provide you with the high level of programs and services you have come to expect. 

I encourage you to talk to your chapter delegate or any board member if you have questions about this important issue in preparation for the Chapter Delegates Meeting Oct. 25 and 26.


Kevin P. Breen, CGCS
GCSAA President