IPM Planner

The IPM Planner represents the culmination and final step in the creation of your IPM plan. Once you’ve completed this step, you will have – in a single sheet of paper – summarized the complex interactions among forces such as climate, pests, turfgrass growth and golf play, and demonstrated the science and logic on which your IPM agronomic practices are based.

How Can You Use Your IPM Planner?

  • It will serve as the blueprint for your annual IPM plan.
  • It will serve as a planning and organizing tool to coordinate, budget, schedule and purchase the materials needed to implement your plan.
  • It will serve as a communication tool for to help explain the science and logic behind your IPM strategies to your crew, your management, your golfers, and other superintendents.

Estimated time: Two to three hours per management zone

Materials for this step

IPM Planner Instructions
IPM Planner Worksheet

You will need to develop a separate IPM planner for each of your management zones. You will also need to have your completed forms on hand from the previous steps.


Monitoring Salinity
Pesticide Resistance Management
Using Threat Temperatures
Using Growth Potentials
Insect Reference
Disease Reference
Weed Reference
Turf Sensitivity to Herbicides 


Sample 1 (Illinois)
Sample 2 (Southern California)
Sample 3 (Vermont)

Updating Your IPM Plan

Your IPM plan is a dynamic, living document that will reflect changes in weather, turfgrass performance, budget constraints and management expectations as the year progresses. For this reason, it is very important to review, fine-tune and update your IPM Planner periodically (we suggest monthly). If reality deviates significantly from your original predictions, you should take the time to rewrite your plan on a new plan form.

More information: Financial Consideration